2. After warming up, turn off the engine.
3. To turn off the fuel pump, remove fuse No. 1 (15A) from the fuse box located in the passenger compartment.
4. Start the engine and wait until the fuel runs out.
5. Remove all 4 spark plugs.
6. Install the compression gauge adapter into the spark plug hole.
The measurement is made on each cylinder.
7. Press an accelerator pedal against the stop, turn the engine a starter and measure pressure of a compression.
- Take measurements with a fully charged battery in a short time.
- Ultimate compression pressure: 930 kPa (9.5 kg/cm2) /250 rpm
8. Similarly measure a compression on other cylinders.
Pressure difference between cylinders: 200 kPa (2.0 kg/cm2)
If the compression pressure is low, check the following and remeasure (if the engine condition is normal):
- Valve seat status
- Cylinder head gasket damage
- Wear of piston rings
- Piston and cylinder wear
9. After checking, install all removed components.