1. Raise the front of the vehicle and place jack stands in the appropriate positions.
2. Turn out nuts and remove forward wheels.
3. Remove lock washer A, center nut B and unscrew the nut.
4. Drain gear oil. Install the drain plug with a new gasket.
5. Disconnect stabilizer link A from stabilizer B.
6. Remove pin A locking castellated nut B of the lower control arm ball joint and remove it.
Note. To prevent damage to the threads of the ball joint, screw the hex nut onto it.
Be careful when installing the puller. Do not damage the protective cover of the ball joint.
7. Disconnect the ball joint from the lower suspension arm C using the special tool.
8. Pull the hinge cage and remove the front wheel drive assembly from the hub using a plastic mallet.
Right and left axle shafts for manual transmission SPLM, left axle shafts for manual transmission SPHM
Disconnect the drive shaft joint from the final drive using a pry bar.
Right semi-axle of manual transmission SPHM
Disconnect the intermediate shaft drive joint with a drift and hammer. Remove the drive shaft assembly. Do not pull on the drive shaft, this may cause the joint to disassemble. Do not skew the drive shaft when dismantling, so as not to damage the oil seal.