Note. Check the oil pump drive chain by removing the pan.
1. If the engine is removed from the vehicle, go to step 10.
2. Remove the drive belt.
3. Remove the generator.
4. Remove the air conditioner compressor (A/C), without disconnecting the line from the air conditioner.
5. Remove the engine bottom cover.
6. Drain engine oil.
7. Loosen the tie-down clamps A securing the turbocharger pressure hose and the intercooler inlet hose, and remove the intercooler inlet hose B, then remove the intercooler inlet system mounting bolts C.
8. Remove the intercooler D inlet clamp, then remove the E intercooler inlet.
9. Remove the lower torque rod.
10. Remove bracket reinforcement A, then remove lower torque rod bracket B.
11. Remove the caps of the oil level sensors A, then disconnect the connector B of the oil level sensor.
12. Turn out two bolts With fastenings of the holder of a plait of wires.
13. Remove the engine oil pressure gauge.
14. Remove the oil dipstick.
15. Remove the dipstick tube.
16. Remove the air conditioner compressor bracket.
17. Remove the gearbox mounting bolts.
18. Remove the bolts securing the oil pan.
19. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, disconnect the pan from the main bearing housing at the indicated locations.
20. Check the oil pump drive circuit.