2. Remove all door trim mounting screws and armrest mounting screws.
3. Remove the screws under the door opening handle and the panel. On manual lift models, use a rag to remove the circlip from the power window handle. On power window models, tuck in the power window switch and disconnect the electrical connector.
Pic. 12.3a Access to the screws securing the door handle lining
Pic. 12.3b Dismantling the spring for fastening the shaft of the window handle
4. Insert the knife between the trim and the door and disconnect the fastening caps. release the cover.
5. Disconnect all electric sockets and remove an overlay.
6. To access the inside of the door, carefully peel off the plastic protection.
7. Before installing the door panel, replace all caps.
8. Connect the electrical connectors and secure the panel to the door. Press down on the mounting points of the caps until they are seated. Install the power window handle.
Pic. 12.8 Set the handle at a 45°angle with the glass closed