Removal and installation of a steering wheel Warning! The car models covered in this manual are equipped with an additional security system (SRS). Before doing any work near the airbag unit, steering column or instrument panel, turn off the SRS to avoid injury if...
Removal and installation of tips of steering draughts Withdrawal 1. Loosen the wheel nuts for the respective wheel. Jack up the front of the car and place it on jack stands. Remove the wheel. 2. While holding the rod end from turning with the second wrench, loosen the lock...
Replacement of protective covers of the steering mechanism 1. Loosen the wheel nuts for the respective wheel. Jack up the front of the car and place it on jack stands. Remove the wheel. 2. Remove the tip and its locknut from the tie rod (see Section Removal and installation of...
Removal and installation of rack and pinion Warning! The car models covered in this manual are equipped with an additional security system (SRS). Before doing any work near the airbag unit, steering column or instrument panel, turn off the SRS to avoid injury if...
Removal and installation of the steering pump 1. Clamp the steering pump supply hose to minimize hydraulic fluid loss. 2. On V6 models, remove the intake manifold cover. 1 - Pressure line bolts; 2 - Clamp of the supply line; 3 - Adjusting bolt 3. Disconnect the...
Removing air from the hydraulic path of the power steering system 1. After performing any procedures related to disconnecting the power steering lines, the PAS hydraulic path must be bled of air. Otherwise, the performance of the power steering will be significantly reduced. 2. Turn...